Officers and Committees
President (Engineer): Linda Botelho
A. The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Club membership and Executive Board.
B. The President may sign checks drawn on Club funds only when the Treasurer is incapacitated.
C. The President shall act in emergencies as required by the Club’s needs.
D. The President shall keep members informed through a newsletter throughout the year.
E. President shall obtain a hall for Club dances, special dances and activities, including substitute halls as required. The Executive Board must approve any permanent change in dance hall location. F. The President shall appoint and announce a Nominating Committee at least six weeks prior to election of officers. At that time the President shall announce to all Club members that nominations are being sought for Club officers. The qualifications and duties for each office must accompany the announcement.
G. To appoint a committee comprised of the President, Treasurer and another member from the general Club membership to review the Club’s financial records after the last regularly scheduled dance of the season and before the annual meeting elections. A financial review is to be completed annually even if the current Treasurer is retained in office.
H. The President may appoint and announce a committee comprised of one Executive Board member and two members from the general Club membership to review these Bylaws as needed.
I. The President may appoint other committees to support the duties of any office and as otherwise necessary
Vice President (Fireman): Joan Potterfield and Sandi Sanborn
Joan Potterfield
A. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.
B. The Vice President shall act as Publicity Coordinator.
C. The Vice President shall organize banner stealing and retrieving activities and maintain records thereof.
D. The Vice President shall keep the President informed of all activities of this office.
Treasurer (Paymaster): Sue Bell
A. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all Club transactions, collect moneys, pay bills, and prepare a written financial report for meetings of the Club membership.
B. The Treasurer shall preserve financial records as necessary. Available records must include dance attendance sign in sheets, dance summaries, bills, receipts and bank statements to allow a complete review of the Club’s finances during the treasurer’s tenure.
C. The Treasurer is authorized to pay Club expenses as follows:
1. Advertising Club dances in the DAS&RDC Bulletin as directed by the Board.
2. Club’s DAS&RDC Dues in June and insurance premium in December or as required.
3. Club’s contracts for hall rental, callers, and cuers as required.
4. Club badges, dangles and bars for badges as needed.
5. General expenses under $50.
6. Other Club expenditures approved by the Executive Board.
D. The Treasurer shall secure bank signature cards for the President and Treasurer.
E. The Treasurer shall sign checks drawn on Club funds.
F. The Treasurer shall maintain the official Club membership roster.
G. The Treasurer shall keep the President informed of all activities of this office.
Secretary (Telegrapher): JC Moore
A. The Secretary shall keep accurate records of all business proceedings, a list of standing committees and a copy of the Club bylaws.
B. The Secretary shall write a newsletter for the DAS&RDC Bulletin.
C. The Secretary shall publish a yearly roster of Club members, upcoming year dance schedules, bylaws, and other pertinent Club information by the first dance in September.
D. The Secretary shall write and maintain Club minutes for all Club meetings and Executive Board meetings and provide a copy to the President.
E. The Secretary shall keep the President informed of all activities of this office.
Denver Council Representatives (Signalmen): Warren & Barb Leggate, Nancy Terry, and Amy Secord
Denver Council Representatives (ALTERNATES): Sue and Larry Bell, and Ryan Secord
Nancy Terry
Warren & Barb Leggate
A. Council Representatives shall attend all meetings of the DAS&RDC. If unable to attend a meeting, the Council Representative should obtain a Club member to attend in their place.
B. Council Representatives shall report to the President, Executive Board and Club at meetings as needed regarding Council activities.
Caller/Cuer Coordinators (Dispatchers): Mitch & Peggy Pingel
A. The Caller-Cuer Coordinator shall serve as the Club’s representative for contracting callers and cuers for our dances.
B. The Caller-Cuer Coordinator shall select callers and cuers for future dance seasons according to the dance schedule approved by the Executive Board and obtain signed contracts from the selected callers and cuers.
C. If the Executive Board disapproves a contracted caller or cuer, the Caller-Cuer Coordinator will either re-negotiate the contract or replace the selected caller or cuer as directed by the board.
D. Printed copies of signed caller and cuer contracts for the next dance season will be submitted to the Executive Board at the annual Club member meeting.
E. If a dance is cancelled, the Caller-Cuer Coordinator will notify the caller and cuer of the cancellation.
F. If a contracted caller or cuer must cancel a dance, the Caller-Cuer Coordinator will select a replacement and obtain a signed contract from the replacement. If the dance is for a future dance season, the replacement must be approved by the Executive Board at the next board meeting.
Past President (Station Master): Barb & Warren Leggate
A. The Past President traditionally attend Scootback board meetings, participating in discussions & decisions as needed
B. Offer advice to the incoming president and answer questions from the new president and board.
C. NOTE: Scootbacks Bylaws do not have duties listed for the Past Presidents
Appointed/Volunteer Positions:
Kitchen (Caboose): (Refreshments) OPEN - Please contact Linda Botelho if you can help!
Advertising: David Smithe
Angels for Square Dance CLASS: Lori Majzner and Laurel Field - Contact Sue Bell if you are available to angel on Thursday nights.
Caboose Committee (refreshments): TBD
Class Coordinator: Sue Bell
Class Email & Contact Coordinator: Sue Bell
Newsletter to DAS & RDC SD Bulletin: Linda Botelho
Facilities: JC Moore
Flyers and art work: OPEN
Goodwill Ambassador: June Joerns
(sends congratulatory or get well etc. cards to members)
Sunshine and Shadows: Laurel Field
Webmaster: Steve (
Most Photos by Marie R and Brenda. S Updated by sp on 6 June 2023 29 July 2023
Insurance Coordinator: Sue Bell (see photo of Sue above)
Set-Up/Clean Up Chair: [Open]
Set-Up/Clean Up: - ALL Club Members. Please help out. Setup starts at ~7 PM. Someone should be at the church by 6:45 PM to set up. On Fifth Fridays, the Scootback Board does set-up. Contact Warren at or Barb at with questions. Please forward any suggestions for a system to assign members to help setup EACH DANCE. We typically have ~ 18 dances per year.
PREVIOUS SYSTEM: The Club membership is divided in two, alphabetically by last name. On the second Friday, A through J will be responsible for setup and cleanup. On the fourth Friday, K through Z will be responsible for setup and tear down. On the fifth Fridays, the Scootback Board and helpers took on the task.