History, Glossary, Useful Info
About the Scootbacks: "Scootback" - is a mainstream call (see below) and also a type of train engine reportedly used in mining. Reportedly the engine would push empty coal cars into the mine and pull full ones back out, "Scooting Back". Scootbacks" has been adopted as the name of our club. The club was formed in 1977 and has been in continuous operation since. Membership dues are $20.00 per person and are due at the annual meeting in June.
Here's a site with detailed information about Square Dancing. Many thanks to Annie Pruitt and the Community Center of Harrison Park, IL. www.aaastateofplay.com/swing-your-partner-the-basics-of-square-dancing/
Square Dancing Glossary: (with thanks to Wikipedia.org) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_dance)
Square Dance - a dance for four couples (eight dancers) arranged in a square, with one couple on each side, facing the middle of the square. A "caller" directs the dancers. There is both traditional and modern square dance.
Traditional Square Dance - Traditional square dance, which is also called "old time square dance", is not standardized. The caller uses a few very basic calls to direct the dancers in to more complex formations. This form of dancing is sometimes taught in schools. Square dances were first documented in 17th-century England but were also quite common in France and throughout Europe.
Modern Western square dance, also called "Western square dance", "contemporary Western square dance", or "modern American square dance", is what the Scootbacks dance. There are 68 "Mainstream" calls and about 25 "Plus" level calls. In order to dance modern square dance, lessons are required to learn the calls, some of which get quite complex. Some of the calls, such as "do-si-do", "allemande left", and "grand right and left" are simple traditional calls. "Load the boat" is one of the more complex Plus Level calls. There are also "Advanced" and "Challenge" levels of square dance. Ask a long-time square dancer about these forms. Modern Western square dance evolved from the Western style of traditional square dance from about 1940 to 1960. Square Dance has been declared the official state folk dance by the Colorado State Legislature.
Hilton Fitt-Peaster
Putting suede leather soles on your favorite dance shoes. Article by Hilton Fitt-Peaster