Directions to Dance Halls
Directions to Broomfield United Methodist Church
545 W. 10th Ave, Broomfield, CO 80020
From Denver traveling northwest on US 36: Turn right (north) at as you exit the Broomfield interchange off ramp. Turn right on Midway and go to Daphne. Turn left and go two blocks to the stop sign. The church is ahead on your left, across the street from Broomfield HS.
From traveling west on 120th Avenue (US 287 north): Turn right (north) on Main Street to 10th Avenue (also called Eagle Way) and turn left. Go three blocks. Turn right on Daphne immediatey past Broomfield HS on your right. The church parking will be on your left.
From Lafayette, Louisville, Longmont: Go to Broomfield via southbound US 287. When in Broomfield turn left (east) on Miramonte and go to Daphne. Turn right on Daphne and go two blocks. The church is on your right, across the street from Broomfield HS.
From Boulder: Take US 36 southeast, exit at the Broomfield exit. At the end of the interchange off ramp turn left (north). Go over the bridge to US 287 north. Turn right on Midway and go to Daphne. Turn left and go two blocks to the stop sign. The church is ahead on your left, across the street from Broomfield HS.
Directions to Rose Hill Grange
4001 E 68th Ave, Commerce City, CO 80022
If you prefer expressway, then get on US-36 East, which turns into I-270 (be in middle or right lane at that point), then take exit for I-76 East (comes up quick), then take first exit onto 74th Ave, then right at first light onto Colorado Blvd, then about 4 blocks, to the Grange on the left.
If you wish to avoid expressway, from anywhere in Broomfield, make your way East on your favorite east-west road, until you cross over I-25, go another light or two until you get to Washington St. Make a right turn onto Washington. Take that all the way down to 70th Ave. Make a left turn onto 70th. Follow that, enjoy the river scenery, watch out, stay left, don’t accidentally get on the I-76 on-ramp (!), and the road eventually turns into 74th Ave. There’s a stoplight at Colorado, turn right, go 4 blocks. The Grange is the red brick building on the left.
Directions to the Broomfield Crescent Grange
7901 W 120th Ave, Broomfield, Colorado
From the east:
From I-25, take 120th Avenue westbound, which will join up with US 287 at Federal Blvd. Continue on US 287 (120th Avenue). Keep right at the signal where CO 128 divides to the left. Then turn left to continue on 120th Avenue West. The Grange will be on your right.
From US 36:
Take the Wadsworth Parkway exit northbound to US 287. After coming down the ramp exit left to US 287 Eastbound (120th Avenue). Continue on US 287 1.2 miles. After the Dairy Queen turn right (west) on 120th Avenue West. The Grange will be on your right.
Directions to Scootbacks Square Dance Classes
See: Broomfield Crescent Grange, above
Directions to Aspen Creek K-8 School
5500 Aspen Creek Drive Broomfield, CO 80020
From the intersection of West 136th Avenue and Sheridan Blvd., go north on Sheridan a couple blocks to the next signal, which is Aspen Creek Drive, and turn left or west two blocks to the school; park in the main lot along the east side of the school and enter through the main front doors.